「メイクアップは、表情を美しく見せるだけでなく、その人を輝かせ、自信を与えるのと同時に、一歩、前に踏み出す勇気を与えるもの」と応える、嶋田ちあきさんが指導する「嶋田ちあきメイクアップアカデミー」のロゴ、名刺を制作しました。既存書体を元に、同社の他のブランドロゴとの調和と微細な差別化を意識し、細部の調整をしました。名刺は光沢感のある化粧箱の用紙に網を乗せ、シャープなテクスチャー感を残した上に、シックなライトグレーのロゴを載せ光の角度で表情が変わる仕様を提案しました。 - We created a logo and business card for the "Chiaaki Shimada Makeup Academy" taught by Chiaaki Shimada, who says, "Makeup not only makes a person's face look beautiful, but also makes them shine, gives them confidence, and gives them the courage to take a step forward. Based on the existing typeface, we adjusted the details of the logo with an awareness of harmony with the company's other brand logos and subtle differentiation. For the business card, we proposed a glossy paper with a netting on it, leaving a sharp texture, and a chic light gray logo on it, which changes its expression depending on the angle of the light.